There's nothing like a blank screen and deadline to keep you searching for anything else to do.
3 loads of laundry, 52 emails and 7 Facebook posts later…
The topic: Munger Worship, An Inside Look.
Firstly, let's get semantics right. To me, an old Baptist girl, turned Non Denominational, turned bizarrely Methodist, 'worship' means the MUSIC bits. Please refer to this handy definition provided by Mr. Webster:
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): worshipped also worshiped;worship·ping also worship·ing
Date: 13th century
transitive verb
1 : to honor or reverence as a divine being or supernatural power
2 : to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion
intransitive verb
: to perform or take part in worship or an act of worship
We don't 'worship' the announcements. We don't 'worship' the sermon. We don't 'worship' the tithe. We come together to worship God! And the music portion of the service is really the only thing befitting of the definition, as it relates to a church service.
Now that I've cleared that up:
I have no earthly idea what Munger worship is going to look like.
All I can tell you is what I know, who I am, and what has moved me, profoundly.
Now, I understand that I am looked at, as my title would exclaim, as Music Director.
But before that I am a girl:
Broken, full of joy, perplexed, hopeful, driven, harried, lazy, spirit filled and vain. (I'll spare you the comparison: Prov 31: I've checked - I'm not in there)
And before that I was fearfully and wonderfully made:
I was created by God.
He placed my creepiness' and fabulousness' in me, and wrote my story.
I have never been hidden from God presence.
I have only ever banished myself.
God has not ever stopped thinking about me.
I have spent my life thinking about me.
I was created by God.
I have broken God's heart.
God created me.
I have disgraced the faith I proclaim.
I am loved by God.
I am selfish with my money.
God loves me.
Yes, I'm a creep, and it's no secret to God.
Why is it that everyday God lets me do it, creepy, fabulous and all, all over again?
As if yesterday wasn't exhausting enough.
God has given me life, and daily, for whatever reason, He sustains my breath.
Maybe God keeps waking me up so that He has another shot at enjoying me.
Maybe God keeps waking me up so that I have another shot at enjoying him.
Yes, I'm a creep, and it's no secret to God.
But how long do I stay there?
For how long do I sit in God's chair and decide I'm not worthy? Rest assured, many have come to that conclusion on my behalf, thank you very much, but so far I know God as: King and Redeemer. Restorer, Sanctify-er. Healer. Victor.
You may ask yourself: How does Kate being a creep relate to worship?:
Because you're a creep too, and we've been told it's ok to worship God anyway. (enter, King David)
How many more times will we be granted the extreme honor of coming together, in worship, with other people and THEIR creepiness' and fabulousness' so that God can enjoy us, together?? Solely for His delight - giving way to His Spirit as He moves among us!!!?? Renewing us, reviving us, restoring us, rescuing us.
Munger Worship, An Inside Look:
Our sanctuary will be filled with people who are being encouraged to be honest about who they are, and who they want to be.
People that want to grow spiritually, who seek accountability and community.
People that admit they've let past church/denominational hurts dictate their current church standing.
People that are ready to begin the laying down of social and religious fraud.
People that don't know anything about God and want to argue His existence.
People that accept truth when they are nose to nose with it.
People that give it UP during worship, like when their horse/team/sales dept/fav band/dealership/firm/practice/big idea is on FIRE!
People that dance like those kids at the foot of the stage in Cornerstone.
People that listen to The Muse, Rufus Wainwright, Coldplay and Pasty Cline.
People that appreciate elements of ceremony, liturgy, sanctuary and the Baptist hymnal.
We have all sinned and fallen short, quack quack quack.
Quit acting like that's not you. Get over yourself, already.
We are one and the same.
Kate Miner, CmD.
(creepy music director)