June 24, 2010
7:06 am: in bunk: This is my last day at camp. I head down the mtn tonight so that I can catch a VERY early flight in the morn. The last two nights I’ve sung the girls to sleep with Hung the Moon. Pretty sweet. Tonight all the firefighter guys we’ve been working with are coming to dinner and worship. That’ll be a hoot.
Time for coffee.
June 25, 2010
11:16am: sitting on floor in Denver airport: Yesterday was CRAZY! Just busy. Very good. Worship was AWESOME!!! We were outside again, and I was singing Hung the Moon… when the lyric ‘rest and dream tho I don’t slumber’ came, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BREEZE blew by and shimmied all the sliver dollars. It was AMAZING. If you just closed your eyes you would have SWORN that God was blowing gently on your forehead. SO SO great!
And I had to leave the mountain last night for early flight this morning – up at 5:30 - that was canceled… I was shuttled 2 hours to the Denver airport, where I now sit, and see that my flight has been delayed. AND I left my entire makeup bag at camp. So I look great, and have breath to match!
It was a great trip. I think the best part for me, as a girl, was hanging out with some really great moms – Lee Ann, Becky, Lori and Lucy – that was awesome. Incidentally, they all tried Breathe Right (anti snoring nose prop-er-uper things) I’m just going to say, it wasn’t 100% successful. But that’s ALL I’m going to say.
Can I say OMGoodness about the youth staff – they say the fish stinks from the head back… Well, sort of trade that ‘stink’ for something gorgeous, put the fish head on Tova and BAM. ROCK AND ROLL
And the kids were/are precious. OH MY GOSH I just would not ever be in Jr High again. That was the biggest lesson I learned… don’t need a do-over there. But the friendships that have begun to form are very sweet.
A GREAT GREAT GREAT group of kids.
I also remembered that it is an honor, joy and privilege to be the mom of my radical kids. My own little mission field (swaps out with minefield every now and again) and I wouldn’t trade my spot for all the tea in China!
I am sore and bone weary.
I am PUMPED about the Munger Place Plant Boot Camp this weekend!!
Alright – I’m gonna go find a soda pop. Thanks for following along. I hope you’ve been able to catch a glimpse of something-or-other.
All joy- kate